Ranbir Kapoor is back in town from shoot of Romantic drama Ae Dil Hai Mushkil and Deepika too took some time out from her Bajirao Mastani work. And both the actors will start promotions of their upcoming release Tamasha soon. The makers organized a get together dinner where the cast and the crew did a Dubmash video of the song Matarghashti from the film Tamasha itself.
Now the promotions of film are set in full swing as it is just two weeks away from its release date. As they had long day filled with various events, Tamasha team had organized a dinner party for all people involved with film. The cast and crew then recorded dancing to tune of peppy number Matarghasti which has become quite a hit song.
Tamasha has former lovers Deepi and Ranbir coming together for third time and fans of Deepi and Ranbir are waiting for movie to release.